DO NOT GET SCARED. the attachments are just the additional help that you can use to program. I have attached also coding for some of the work !! 3.6 Write a project that calculates the shipping charge for a package if the shipping rate is $0.12 per ounce. Form: Use a masked text box for the package-identification code (a six-digit code) and labeled text boxes for the weight of the package—one box for pounds and another one for ounces. Use a text box to display the shipping charge. Include buttons for Calculate, Clear, Print, and Exit. Code: Include event procedures for each button. Use a constant for the shipping rate, calculate the shipping charge, and display it formatted in a text box. Display a message to the user for any bad input data. Calculation hint: There are 16 ounces in a pound. 3.8 Create a project that will input an employee’s sales and calculate the gross pay, deductions, and net pay. Each employee will receive a base pay of $900 plus a sales commission of 6 percent of sales. After calculating the net pay, calculate the budget amount for each cat- egory based on the percentages given. Pay Base pay    $900; use a named constant Commission    6% of sales Gross pay  Sum of base pay and commission Deductions      18% of gross pay Net pay      Gross pay minus deductions Budget Housing     30% of net pay Food and clothing 15% of net pay Entertainment      50% of net pay Miscellaneous 5% of net pay Visual Basic Chapter 1 Lab – Introduction to Visual Basic 2010. • Read chapter 1 of the Visual Basic textbook • Do the “Hands-On Programming Example” on pages 53 thru 56 of the Visual Basic textbook. After successfully coding, running, and testing this example, compress the resulting project folder into a Zip file and attach that file to this assignment. Press on the “ Continue Later ” button to save your work. Do not press the “ Finish ” button yet. Note: to compress a folder into a Zip file in windows, right-click the folder then select “Send to / Compressed (zipped) folder” folder from the shortcut menu. Create a Visual Basic project to solve Programming Exercise 1.5 at the end of Visual Basic chapter 1 (Page 60). After successfully coding, running, and testing this exercise, compress the resulting project folder into a Zip file and attach that file to this assignment. Read chapter 3 of the Visual Basic textbook. 1. Do the “Hands-On Programming Example” on pages 141 thru 147 of the Visual Basic textbook. After successfully coding, running, and testing this example, compress the resulting project folder into a Zip file and attach that file to this assignment. Press on the “ Continue Later ” button to save your work. Do not press the “ Finish ” button yet. 2. Create a Visual Basic project to solve Programming Exercise 3.2 at the end of Visual Basic chapter 3 (Page 150). Compress the resulting project folder into a “.zip” file and attach this “.zip” file to this assignment for grading. After you have completed this assignment and attached all resulting “.zip” files to it, click ” Finish ” button. Read chapter 2 of the Visual Basic textbook. 1. Do the “Hands-On Programming Example” on pages 90 thru 95 of the Visual Basic textbook. After successfully coding, running, and testing this example, compress the resulting project folder into a Zip file and attach that file to this assignment. Press on the “ Continue Later ” button to save your work. Do not press the “ Finish ” button yet. 2. Create a Visual Basic project to solve Programming Exercise 2.2 at the end of Visual Basic chapter 2 (Page 99). Compress the resulting project folder into a “.zip” file and attach this “.zip” file to this assignment for grading. Read chapter 3 of the Visual Basic textbook. 1. Do the “Hands-On Programming Example” on pages 141 thru 147 of the Visual Basic textbook. After successfully coding, running, and testing this example, compress the resulting project folder into a Zip file and attach that file to this assignment. Press on the “ …

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