1. Identified the steps necessary to install Microsoft Windows 10 operating system

(50 points)

Provided an excellent description of the installation of Windows 10, included explicit details, and included visuals for each step. The manual includes specific explanations on why the solution was chosen.

2. Assessed the critical Windows 10 feature required and details steps for Completion

(35 points)

(Provided an excellent description of the critical Windows 10 features, included explicit details, and included visuals for each step. The manual includes specific explanations on why the solution was chosen.)

3. Use of Authoritative Sources / Resources

(10 points)

(Work contains a reference list containing entries for all cited sources. Reference list entries and in-text citations are correctly formatted using the appropriate IEEE style for each type of resource. The description appropriately used information from 5 or more authoritative sources, i.e. journal articles, industry or trade publications, news articles, industry or government white papers and authoritative Web sites.)

4. Satisfy standards of writing style and grammatical correctness

(5 points)

No formatting, grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors. Manual contains no computer jargon and all technical terms are explained.

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