Competency Describe different quality methods within healthcare. Course Scenario Chaparral Regional Hospital is a small, urban hospital of approximately 60 beds, and offers the following: Emergency room services Intensive care Surgical care Obstetrics Diagnostic services Some rehabilitation therapies Inpatient pharmacy services Geriatric services Consumer physician referral services Recently, the CEO has been hearing complaints from both patients and staff, varying from long wait times to rude physicians. You have been hired to design and implement a Quality Improvement Plan to help uncover quality problems and to satisfactorily resolve them. Instructions The CEO has received some resistance from the Board on undertaking a QI program. She has asked you to develop a set of talking points on the pros and cons of common measurement techniques used in healthcare that she can use the next time she runs into a Board member. Part 1 Talking points are used to quickly explain something by condensing it into a compelling, but easily digestible, list. If the goal is to increase support for a QI program, the talking points must provide the ideas she needs to convey in order to achieve the goal. Your talking points should be submitted in a Word document. Your talking points should include the pros and cons of implementing a QI program. (No page requirement) 2nd Part Upon completion of your talking points, please prepare a PowerPoint presentation  where you will explain each talking point to the CEO so they clearly understand and can answer questions from the Board. APA formatting for the talking points, and proper grammar, punctuation, and form are required. Length of PowerPoint is secondary to the quality of the presentation as a whole. Highlight specific pros and cons of QI programs. Use the Notes area on each slide as needed to expand on the key points.

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