The purpose of this assignment is to examine health care data on hospital-associated infections and determine the best methods for presenting the data to stakeholders. Use the scenario below and the “Hospital Associated Infections Data” Excel spreadsheet to complete the assignment. Scenario You have been tasked with displaying Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) hospital quality measures data for a 5-year period on four quality measures at your site. After examining the data, identify trends and determine the best way to present the actionable information to stakeholders. Assignment Create a 10-15 slide PowerPoint presenting the data to the stakeholders. Address the following in your PowerPoint: What conclusions can be drawn for each quality measure over the 5-year period? What trends do you see for each quality measure over the 5-year period? When comparing each quality measure, is the quality measure better than, worse than, or no different from the national benchmark over time? Based on your examination of the data, which of the quality measures should you prioritize and why? Develop a quality improvement metric and related measures to improve care processes, outcomes, and the patient experience relating to the identified area of opportunity. Explain how you would monitor the metric and use collected data for improvement. Include a title slide, references slide, and comprehensive speaker notes.

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