This is a GROUP ASSIGNMENT so there really is very little work I need help with.
PLEASE note I am not asking for all of the work below to be done, only what I have outlined.
Full assignment requirements, provided by the school for the whole group to complete.
Research three venture capitalist firms or banks (either on the Internet or in person).
Analyze their requirements for obtaining funding in comparison to using the Barringer/Ireland Business Model template.
Evaluate the pros and cons of completing a competitive analysis (using a competitive grid).
Discuss key components of a business plan that you will want to highlight when trying to obtain capital for a new start up.
Create a 15- to 20-slide visual presentation with speaker notes in which you exhibit your research and provide a final assessment of your results.
5-6 slides added onto the Power Point provided/attached.
The slides need to evaluate the pros and cons of completing a competitive analysis (using a competitive grid). Discuss key components of a business plan that you will want to highlight when trying to obtain capital for a new start up. With detailed speaker notes “in which you exhibit your research and provide a final assessment of your results.”
NOTE: You really just need to follow the same context and layout as the other slides already in the power point, the way the professor laid it out makes it sound WAY harder than it actually is.
You can choose any venture capitalist firm or bank you want to write about,as long as it isn’t the same business already in the slide.
There is already a reference slide so you can just add any references to there.
I know this is short notice and limited time to complete it, but I thank you in advance for the help. The work doesn’t need to be great, I just need it to be done lol I’m drowning in papers and this power point is the least of worries as far as getting a perfect grade.
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