
I really need to get this completed with a real good grade. I have attached the email about what the test is about. thank you.

Hello Charles,

Congratulations! You have successfully completed 45 or more credit hours including St. Petersburg College and transfer credits, and have been selected to participate in the General Education Assessment.

The purpose of this General Education Assessment is to evaluate the quality of our general education curriculum and identify areas for performance improvement. Your results and those of fellow classmates will assist us in improving the general education courses and ensuring that we will meet the needs of current and future students.

To complete the assessment, go to your course list in MyCourses. A new course link has been added to your list of courses. It is titled ‘General Education Outcomes Assessment – 0535’.Within that course link is a single assessment entitled, General Education Outcomes Assessment. The deadline to complete this assessment is October 27th.

Upon accessing the assessment, you may receive a Security Warning message asking if you want to view only the webpage content that was delivered securely. Please note that the correct response to the Security Warning message is to select NO.

You may use a calculator, and we suggest that you have scratch paper available when taking the assessment. On average the assessment takes about forty minutes to complete. You will be given a ninety-minute time limit to complete the assessment. The ninety minute time limit starts when you select Start Quiz, so it must be completed in one sitting.

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