Read the “Fire-Related Firefighter Injuries Reported to the National Fire Incident Reporting System (2012-2014)” report found at this link… and then write an essay to accomplish the following:

Identify at least two causes of firefighter injures due to unsafe acts and then discuss the initiatives that need to be taken to reduce and/or eliminate those mishaps in the future.

The following link,… may help with your additional research

Assignment Requirements

Your paper must be a minimum of 2 full APA formatted pages not counting the title page, abstract page and reference page.

Please see the APA Guides in the Course Materials announcement or in the Course Materials section of the Lessons Course Overview for further information on the proper APA formatting of your paper.

Please create your response in a Word document and upload as an attachment for submission.

All writing assignments must be submitted in APA format and shall include the following:

1. Title Page
2. Abstract
3. Main Body (With proper in-text citations) to include an Introduction and Conclusion
4. Reference Page (Be sure to pay attention to the indentions for each source)

Be sure to include a correct Running Head on each page.

All writing assignments must meet the following page setup:

1. Times New Roman font
2. 12 Point font size
3. Double Spaced
4. 1 inch Page Margins: Top, Bottom, Left and Right (Not 1.25 inches)

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