Pick a topic that is of interest to you in the area of human behavior in fire. Conduct a literature review on the subject. Paper must follow APA 6th edition guidelines, must be at least 5 pages long, and must include at least 7 references.

If you are having an issue identifying a literature review idea, here are a few. You do not need to select one of these, but hopefully helps getting you brain going on it.

  1. Witness memory (Gorbett)
  2. Witness identification (Gorbett)
  3. Exoneration by DNA with positive witness identification (Gorbett)
  4. Analysis of witness statements (Gorbett)
  5. Witness information and bias (Gorbett)
  6. Surviving members of fatal fires and perceived normal reactions (Gorbett)
  7. The evolution of the understanding of waking sleeping children
  8. The geographic differences of HBiF research
  9. How a shift in gender norms changes our scope of knowledge in HBiF
  10. Child Fire Starting Behavior
  11. The evolution of premovement time understanding
  12. The effectiveness of emergency evacuation signage
  13. Fire alarm signals, what should it say?
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