1. Assume that your system has one queue for jobs waiting for printing and another queue for those waiting for access to as disk. Which queue would you expect to have the faster response? Explain your reasoning. 2. When using a personal computer, it can be easy to determine when a job is caught in an infinite loop or system-wide freeze. The typical solution to this problem is for the user to manually intervene and terminate the offending job, or in the worst case, all jobs. What mechanism would you implement in the Process Scheduler to automate the termination of a job that’s in an infinite loop? Take into account jobs that legitimately use large amounts of CPU time, such as a task that is calculating the first 300,000 prime numbers. And the question I need 4-5 lines is When do preemptive scheduling policies excel? When do non-preemptive scheduling policies excel? Provide examples of each not noted in the text (cite sources as appropriate).

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