Five year plan project
Purpose: the purpose of this assignment is for you to decide and describe your life long learning/ planning chosen career path. You have spent a great deal of time and effort to earn your degree. However, career wise your work is just the beginning. Now is the time to plan so that you are in a position to take full advantage of your degree and aggressively pursue or continue to prepare for your chosen career field.
Course outcome: develop and implement a career plan that includes life long learning.
Assignment: develop a career planning tool after graduation
Project points
Length of project is 1,000-1,500 words
Project requirement required:
- Write a concise summary about the following aspects of your chosen career field.
Training and other qualifications
Potential earnings ( nationally and in the state where you plan to begin your research
Additional career related resources you might find helpful in further career research
General current employment information
Future job outlook
- Summarize your current marketability based upon your career research.
Include the following information
Two skills you need to gain or improve upon
What type of education could help you develop these two skills
A realistic estimate of where your skills and experience place you in the salary range of your career field.
Your experience level in your chosen career field
Describe two strengths that will benefit you in your nursing career.
Research resources: You may use any resources you like for this assignment
(Option 1) if you plan to pursue openings in your career field upon graduation include the following information in addition to the minimum information above.
Summarize two paragraphs how you plan to conduct an effective job search campaign. May use the following website or any other job websites for guidance. http://… Research citations: proper use of APA format
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