You never know when you are going to come across a potential medical or injury emergency. Using the information you have learned up to this point, Select two of the following scenarios. What would you do? Be sure to list and record every action you perform. Note: In each situation you are working at your current skill level since you have completed Heartcode BLS and will soon complete Heartsaver First Aid. You can perform CPR, you have access to a first aid kit, a cell phone, a land line, and an AED. NOTE SPECIFICATIONS BELOW.
The Scenarios:
- You are at the family picnic several teenagers are playing frisbee in the field. Suddenly one of teens approaches you and complains that he is having trouble breathing and his skin is itchy. You notice that his eyes are watery, his skin is raised and red, and his face and tongue appear swollen .What do you believe is his diagnosis? Step by step discuss and record your actions.
- You enter a room. You notice that Ms. Daisy is restless agitated and confused. When you approach her you see that her skin appears pale and grayish and feels cold and clammy. She tells you that she is weak and that she feels dizzy. What do you believe is her diagnosis? Step by step discuss and record your actions.
- You are running a 10k in downtown Fayetteville. You come across a fellow runner who appears to be injured. As you approach the scene what are four things you must consider. Give possible (real life) examples of each.
- You are helping a victim with a severe laceration. As you assist the victim, blood splatters in your mouth and eyes discuss and record your next move.
- Alan is twenty two years old. He has collapsed while taking part in a half marathon. It is a hot day with temperatures reaching 93F. His conscious level is falling and he is very hot and flushed. He has a strong pulse and his breathing is slow.What do you believe is his diagnosis? Step by step discuss and record your actions.
- Andrew is thirty years old. He has recently joined your work force. It is ten thirty in the morning and he has lost a lot of facial color and is sweating. He seems confused. His speech is slightly slurred and he is irritable and uncooperative.What do you believe is his diagnosis? Step by step discuss and record your action
- Bill is eighteen years old. You are eating together at lunch time. He begins to complain of tingling in his lips and you then notice a slight swelling around his mouth and face. He quickly develops a rash and is having difficulty breathing.What do you believe is his diagnosis? Step by step discuss and record your actions.
- James is a thirty year old chef. He has caught the back of his hand on the oven door as he is removing a roast from the oven. He is in a lot of pain and you see the back of his hand is red, blistered and swollen.What do you believe is his diagnosis? Step by step discuss and record your actions
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