1.Go to www.cnbc.com and explore the video tab in the top banner menu. In the search box, enter the key terms reporting and estimate in separate searches. As you learned in this unit, there are various sources of information. Watch at least two videos, briefly describe one of the videos viewed, and provide a summary of information the video contained and how it fits in with this chapter. answer this post in couple sentences.

example down below:

2.On cnbc.com I watched a video about how a Federal Reserve Chairman named Jerome Powell describes the U.S. economy as being solid and that the central bank needs to do everything they can to keep it that way (Imbert, 2019). Powell made this comment after some not so good news about how the Labor Department reported weaker than expected job growth in September. They are expecting some cuts and this has forced traders to increase their bets on easier monetary policy from the Fed (Imbert, 2019).

also please comment on this example within 2-3 sentences.

please number answers as it is numbered in questions

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