You need to write 2 essay

First: annotated bibliography

An annotated bibliography is basically the same as any works cited or references page but, and there is one big difference: after each reference, there are a few brief sentences summarizing the contents of the reference listed above it in the bibliography. The bibliography is still a list of sources in alphabetical order, but the difference is the summary of the article, book, or any other source appears immediately below the MLA reference–and this is called the annotation, hence an “annotated” bibliography. If you have any questions, Google annotated bibliography examples and look at one or more. To save time and be working on your documented essay at the same time, there is some logic to using the research items for Magical Realism for this assignment. You will be working on your documented essay as you do so, as well as meeting the requirements for this week’s assignment. As always, if you have even the smallest question, please email the instructor. There is an example of an annotated bibliography posted in the Module 7 materials.

Annotated Bibliography Example

Student X

Annotated Bibliography

Troy University

Today’s Date

Annotated Bibliography

Subject: Artificial Intelligence

Bringsjord, S. (2011). Psychometric Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Experimental &

Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 23(3), 271-277. doi:10.1080/0952813x.2010.502314

This journal entry discusses the way artificial intelligence shall be measured. A machine might be able to perform a single task much better than a human, however it cannot be considered intelligent. The author shall be more interested in studying the psychometrics of himself, since there are many petty insults and comments pertaining to other researchers.

Hibbard, B. (2015). Ethical Artificial Intelligence. Retrieved from….

This book reflects on the future of artificial intelligence and the ethical decisions that would have to be decided during creation. Despite being a self-published online book, Mr. Hibbard is well qualified and introduces many intelligent solutions towards artificial intelligence programming.

Krzywoszynska, A. (2012). Affect and Artificial Intelligence. Emotion, Space and Society, 5(4),

284. doi:10.1016/j.emospa.2012.05.002

This article is a review of book of the same title, written by Elizabeth A. Wilson. Ms. Wilson, who advertises herself as a feminist scholar, believes that emotions will play an important role in artificial intelligence. This article is one author’s opinion about a book, and her conclusion was inconclusive.

Miranda, E. R., & Williams, D. (2015). Artificial Intelligence in Organised Sound. Organised

Sound, 20(1), 76-81doi:….

This article about how artificial intelligence will be able to make music that will be enjoyable to the human ear. Organised Sound is a peer-reviewed journal that is devoted to the addition of technology to music, so they certainly have an interest in developing this technology.

Nilsson, N. J. (2010). The Quest for Artificial Intelligence: A History of Ideas and Achievements.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from

This non-fiction book delves into the history of artificial intelligence, as well as projecting its future. From mechanical suits of armor to neural networks, this action-packed adventure through time is genuinely informative.

O’leary, D. E. (2013). Artificial Intelligence and Big Data. IEEE Intell. Syst. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 28(2),

96-99. doi:10.1109/mis.2013.39

This article is about the possibility of adding artificial intelligence in an enterprise in order to sort the large amount of data that flows through it. The accuracy of the artificial intelligence for this action would be in question. The article was published by the IEEE Computer Society, which is a well-respected group of engineers that has been around for 70 years.

Sheehan, J. J., & Sosna, M. (1991). The Boundaries of Humanity: Humans, Animals, Machines.

Berkeley: University of California Press.

This book questions whether humans have the same mentality of animals. It also explores the possibility of giving artificial intelligence animal minds, versus a human one. This is a very complicated publication, so a thesaurus will most likely be required.

Second: Documented Essay Assignment and Topic

We are ready to begin working on our research essay although it is not due for another week or more. We will all use the same topic, a simple one that is focused on explaining Magical Realism, what it is, where it came from, and some of its practitioners. I suggest that you start with simple research about what Magical Realism is, how it came about, the great authors of Magical Realism, and finally how it manifests itself today, that is to say, in what genres.

As you prepare this essay please beware that you must include and quote three to five outside sources, use the MLA format, and in the process of the paper explain what magical realism is, how it developed, some of the great authors and works, and its international scope today. If you have any questions, please email me immediately.

We are doing the same topic for a variety of reasons, the first being, I do not want something purchased from a cheating site like Course Hero. When our software reveals that you have done that, you are no longer a member of this class. You will receive an unconditional and final F in the class, no discussion, no appeal.

I made the topic very simple, so if you have never written a documented essay, you will still have no trouble. You can use as few as three sources, as I say above, and we have been working the whole term on the format, except we now will deploy several quotations and certainly a works cited page.

We are starting in Module 6 so that you may begin to gather some sources to quote, begin an Annotated Bibliography, and get started–with plenty of time to ask all the questions you want to ask.

Why don’t you start with the article “What Is Magical Realism, Really,” a very good place to start, and you can certainly use the article as one of your three–or five sources if you use that many.

I will give you an alternative topic, directly related to the paper we did for characterization, but this one requiring the three to five sources and works cited. Please read about that option below if you are interested. I will warn you in advance that the paper will be somewhat more challenging in that your research will be a great deal more focused. You make your own choice.

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