Purpose of Project The purpose of this assignment is for students to gather real-life data from development professionals in the trenches regarding actual practices and outcomes of human growth at any one of three developmental stages mentioned below. The data collected for this final exam project will be used to present a power point presentation which addresses the objectives outlined for this assignment.

Assignment The learner will visit an early child development center or similar institution where development at the early childhood stage is the focus of the organization. The student must make the necessary arrangements to interview the officials of the institution in order to obtain the information relative to this group assignment. Permission to observe children/adolescents would be ideal. A list of organizations that have cooperated with previous students for this project will be made available. It is recommended that students develop a questionnaire which will provide the information necessary to develop and present the power point presentation with respect to the objectives mentioned below.


1. Describe how emotions are displayed and regulated among children or adolescents.

2. Discuss how emotional and social development is intertwined.

3. Describe how play behaviors affect emotional development.

4. Discuss the child’s growing sense of self.

5. Discuss how human growth and development professionals assess self-esteem.

6 Report on gender role and gender identity as they relate to this assignment. Data that should be reflected in Final Exam

Power Point Presentations

1. Complete name and location of child development center.

2. Background and mission statement of center. (Should include such things as license status; hours of operation, how long in business; etc.)

3. Staffing, population, demographics (gender, age, etc.) of children served.

4. What challenges (educational, social development, behavioral) does this population present and how are these challenges addressed by the child development center.

5. The types of resources used and whether there is a pattern with respect to age and/or gender in this regard.

6. Observed interactions and of children during instructional time as well as play time.

7. The student will discuss two Human Growth and Development theories (approx. 250 to 300 words) that were observed during this site visit. If no theories were observed, student will discuss two theories that should have been practiced at the site and why.

8. Conclusion (a summary of this site visit which should include the learner’s reaction and analysis of this project.) NOTE: Use of sources in this project must be referenced in APA format. Also, this project must be presented in the Microsoft Power Point Format and when students are making their presentations, they must have their project on a THUMB DRIVE. A site visit example will be posted at the appropriate time.

Include 7-10 powerpoint slides.

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