Week 2 – Journal Family Partnership Reflection [CLOs: 1, 2] Consider the following quote by Barlis (2013): “What is the most underused resource in education today? Parents.” Now also consider the following statement from the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct (Links to an external site.) (2011): “The family and the early childhood practitioner have a common interest in the child’s well-being, we acknowledge a primary responsibility to bring about communication, cooperation, and collaboration between the home and early childhood program in ways that enhance the child’s development.” In your journal, analyze what these two statements mean to you as an early childhood education professional in today’s society. Compose a 250-300 word response that demonstrates your reflection. Your journal in this course allows you to present your professional reflections, using the content knowledge and personal beliefs that you have gained. There is no right or wrong answer for the journal prompts; however, you are encouraged to think deeply about the topic and elaborate on your reflections in your writing. Graduate level thought and writing are expected. Please use the information: NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct (Links to an external site.) (2011):

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