To receive full credit, you will need to cite scripture to support your position.

This week, we are studying how to create and maintain high performance work organizations. One of the essential elements of a high performance organization is that its people are engaged in their work. Yet study after study shows that the great majority of American workers (and probably those elsewhere in the world, as well) are disengaged, just going through the motions and collecting a paycheck.

Contrast these disengaged employees with the Apostle Paul. He accomplished an incredible amount in two decades of ministry. Read Acts 9 to see his life before his dramatic conversion, and then look at Philippians 3:7-9 to see his words about what drove him after he encountered the risen Christ. Can you see the difference a God-given purpose makes?

For the purposes of this post, let’s answer this question: What’s your purpose, your passion, the one thing that you stand for above all else? And how will your future work carry out your purpose?

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