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It can be difficult to apply the motivational theory to practical business situations. Some motivational theories, like expectancy theory, were developed with individual employee motivation in mind. Please address each of the following. Be as specific as possible and explain why you would make the suggested changes

1. Identify and describe a situation at work (paid or volunteer), or elsewhere, where you have felt unmotivated.

2. Using each stage of the expectancy theory (Expectancy, Instrumentality, and Valance) make suggestions regarding how the situation could be more motivating for you.

Grading will be based on content, format, and demonstration of weekly reading assignments, learning objectives and outside research. All questions should be answered in a minimum of two pages (not including cover sheet and reference page). Direct quotes are not permitted.

Writing assignments must be properly cited and referenced, written in APA format (12 point Times New Roman, double spaced, unless specified otherwise), and include both a cover page and a reference page. Please refer to the Library for additional source material on APA writing requirements.

When expressing your opinion, advice, criticism, etc., in your papers, demonstrate that you can think critically and apply what you are studying to the “real world”. Your opinion should be expressed in third paper such as, “This researcher…”, “This student…”, Do not use “I”, “we”, “our”, “you”, or any other forms of indefinite you.

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