IMPORTANT: AFTER PURCHASE, OPEN THIS PAGE AGAIN AND SCROLL DOWN BELOW TO DOWNLOAD FILES WITH ANSWERS. 1. Brainstorm different ideas for writing an original story. 2. Invent a video game and include detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to play. 3. Operate the vacuum cleaner according to the illustrations provided. 4. Pretend you are going on vacation tomorrow.  Concoct a list of ideal vacation destinations in order of importance. 5. Imagine you were stranded on a desert island.  What would be the first thing you would do? 6. Describe, in 300 words, a recent major political event. 7. Explain the engineering behind light-speed rails. 8. In alphabetical order, list the names of each continent. 9. Compare and contrast the current models of the Dodge Ram truck and the Toyota Tundra truck. 10. Using facts from your research, describe the natural habitat of the polar bear. 11. Review your assignment from beginning to end. 12. Put in chronological order and explain the history of the internet. 13. Predict what cars will be like in 20 years.  Explain your ideas in detail and provide illustrations. 14. Estimate the distance between your home and your state’s capital. 15. Assemble the model car using the materials provided. BUY MORE MATERIALS FOR THIS COURSE: EXP 105 Week 1 Quiz 1 (2019) EXP 105 Week 2 Learning Patterns In Action Quiz (2019) EXP 105 Week 2 Quiz (2019) EXP 105 WEEK 3 Decoding Tasks Assessment Quiz (2019) EXP 105 Week 3 Quiz (2019) EXP 105 Week 4 Quiz (2019) EXP 105 Week 4 Academic Integrity Quiz (2019) EXP 105 Week 5 Quiz (2019) EXP 105 Student Resource Exam 1 (2019)

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