Assignment: I chose to write about college debt. Please read the requirements carefully.

The documentary you chose to write about dealt with an important social issue in our current time. Continue the conversation that was started. Think of a problem facing your school or community that is important to you and propose a solution.


  • An introduction that contains a lead-in, defines a problem that needs a solution, and transitions to the thesis.
  • An explicit thesis statement that is comprehensive and argumentative. Your thesis should
  • A clear connection between the proposal and the problem.
  • Evidence that the proposal will achieve the desired outcome. Find at least 2 outside sources to quote / paraphrase as evidence. (These sources should be academic and/or reputable, not informal Internet sites.)
  • A consideration of the alternative ways to achieve the desired outcome and a discussion of why these may not be feasible. (opposing viewpoints)
  • A demonstration that the proposal is feasible and an explanation of how it may be implemented.
  • A conclusion that restates the thesis and connects back to the lead-in.
  • Make a claim that addresses the problem or need.
  • Use this formula: A should do B because of C.
  • Sample thesis: “Our student government should endorse the Academic Bill of Rights because students should not be punished in their courses for their personal political views.”


Your audience will depend on the issue you discuss. If your proposal is to be accepted, it needs to be finely tuned to the demands of its audience. DO NOT assume your audience is an “average” person – have a specific audience in mind.

NOTE: The student essay by Manasi Deshpande provides an excellent model of what a proposal argument looks like. She proposes that the University of Texas must make campus accessibility a higher priority. I will post a copy of her essay in D2L week 6.

Due: Outline Oct. 6

Rough draft Oct. 13

Final draft Oct. 20

Things to Remember:

  1. This essay can extend from the documentary you chose to write about. The two outside sources you find (with the help of a librarian) can accompany the documentary as a source if the topic relates.
  2. Voice: You will write in THIRD PERSON for this essay. Your audience will be someone who is not as interested in your personal experiences; rather, he or she may wish to know from a detached observer. Try to avoid the use of “I,” “me” or “my” in this essay.
  3. Length: Your paper should be between three-five typed double-spaced pages.
  4. Format: Follow the MLA rules for page formatting (1-inch margins, double-space, header)
  5. Rough draft: Your rough draft should include at least your introduction and main points that you want to include in your essay. This should be about two pages long.
  6. Editing: I will consider grammar and mechanics in the final draft of this essay, so make sure to proofread carefully.
  7. Extra help: Make an appointment to meet with me or a tutor for extra feedback on your writing
  8. Plagiarism: Students who plagiarize a phrase or an idea will receive a ZERO on this assignment! No exceptions. Cite your sources using Modern Language Association (MLA) Format. Your essay should include a Works Cited page at the end.

I chose to write about college debt. Please read the requirements carefully.

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