Question 1 A combined sewer overflow is designed to handle __________. [removed] both the water flushed down toilets and other household wastewater [removed] the overflow of pretreated industrial wastes [removed] peaks in wastewater flow caused by surface runoff 1 points Question 2 A septic system consists of a septic tank and a __________. [removed] leach field [removed] sludge digester [removed] trickling filter 1 points Question 3 Secondary sewage treatment is fundamentally a _______________ process. [removed] biological [removed] chemical [removed] mechanical [removed] 1 points Question 4 About __________ of treated sewage sludge in the United States is disposed of by spreading it on land. [removed] 25 percent [removed] 50 percent [removed] 75 percent 1 points Question 5 Potable water is water that is __________. [removed] available for human use within a given watershed [removed] considered suitable for use as drinking water [removed] derived from a sustainable source 1 points Question 6 Primary sewage treatment is fundamentally a _______________ process. [removed] biological [removed] chemical [removed] mechanical 1 points Question 7 Metals present in municipal wastewater may still be present in treated sewage sludge; __________. [removed] dioxins may also be present in treated sludge, but pathogens will not be present [removed] pathogens may also be present in treated sludge, but dioxins will not be present [removed] both pathogens and dioxins may also be present in treated sludge 1 points Question 8 Currently, most human exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the environment is through _______________. [removed] ingestion of food [removed] inhalation of indoor air [removed] intravenous drips 1 points Question 9 The most significant difference between untreated and treated sewage sludge is that most of the __________ have been removed from the treated sludge. [removed] metals [removed] organic chemicals [removed] pathogens 1 points Question 10 The term biosolids is sometimes used to refer to __________. [removed] manure collected from CAFOs [removed] scum (floating material) inside a septic tank [removed] treated municipal sewage sludge 1 points Question 11 The bar screen, grinder, and grit chamber are used in __________. [removed] municipal drinking water treatment [removed] municipal solid waste disposal [removed] primary sewage treatment 1 points Question 12 Some likely human health impacts of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are suggested by their chemical structure, which is similar to that of _______________. [removed] human growth hormone [removed] neurotransmitters [removed] thyroid hormones 1 points Question 13 Exposure to byproducts of disinfecting drinking water with chlorine has been associated with increased risk of __________. [removed] bladder cancer [removed] leukemia [removed] oral cancer 1 points Question 14 21. Chlorination of drinking water is highly effective at killing __________. [removed] bacteria [removed] protozoa [removed] viruses [removed] all of the above 1 points Question 15 Which of the following are steps in primary sewage treatment? [removed] Bar screen, grinder, grit chamber, primary clarifier [removed] Settling, coagulation and flocculation, sedimentation, filtration [removed] Thickening and stabilization Question 1 Trihalomethanes are __________. [removed] byproducts of drinking water disinfection [removed] common as indoor air contaminants from consumer products [removed] primarily a problem of medical wastes Question 3 Secondary sewage treatment is fundamentally a _______________ process. [removed] biological [removed] chemical [removed] mechanical Question 9 Historically, the use of chlorine bleach has made the pulp and paper industry an important source of __________ contamination. [removed] chromium [removed] dioxin [removed] polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) Question 10 Which of the following are steps in municipal drinking water treatment? [removed] B…

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