Question 1 Which of the following groups of chemicals was widely used as insulating fluid in electrical equipment? [removed] Dioxins [removed] Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) [removed] Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) 1 points Question 2 Occupational asthma is known to be caused by synthetic organic chemicals, dusts, and _______________. [removed] alpha radiation [removed] certain bacteria [removed] certain metals 1 points Question 3 Which of the following products are made using processes that involve perfluorochemicals (PFCs)? [removed] Consumer electronics [removed] Flexible plastic containers [removed] Non-stick coatings 1 points Question 4 The effect of _______________ in inducing _______________ appears to have no threshold. [removed] lead / neurotoxicity [removed] methylmercury / decrement in IQ [removed] particulates / fibrosis 1 points Question 5 In the United States today, young children get most of their exposure to the lead in lead paint by __________. [removed] ingesting chips of paint [removed] ingesting dust that contains lead [removed] inhaling airborne lead 1 points Question 6 Which of the following is the most common medium for people’s exposures to solvents? [removed] Dust [removed] Groundwater [removed] Meat or fish 1 points Question 7 _______________ are the major cause of stratospheric ozone depletion. [removed] Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) [removed] Perfluorochemicals (PFCs) [removed] Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) 1 points Question 8 In the human body, carbon monoxide (CO) _______________. [removed] binds to hemoglobin, displacing oxygen [removed] compromises the body’s defenses against airborne particulates [removed] concentrates in the thyroid, causing thyroid cancer 1 points Question 9 _______________ are widely used to degrease metals—for example, in the manufacture of electronic components. [removed] Perfluorochemicals (PFCs) [removed] Phthalates [removed] Solvents 1 points Question 10 Hearing loss is associated not only with exposure to noise, but also with exposure to _________. [removed] air fresheners [removed] household pesticides [removed] secondhand smoke 1 points Question 11 Which of the following pollutants is a key contributor to acid deposition? [removed] Carbon dioxide [removed] Carbon monoxide [removed] Ozone [removed] Sulfur dioxide 1 points Question 12 When automobiles burn gasoline, they: [removed] emit ozone, which reacts with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to form photochemical smog. [removed] emit VOCs, which react with NOx and other chemicals to form photochemical smog. [removed] increase ozone at ground level, contributing to depletion of ozone in the stratosphere. 1 points Question 13 Many phthalates affect the _______________. [removed] central nervous system [removed] endocrine system [removed] respiratory system 1 points Question 14 Sick building syndrome is a set of __________. [removed] construction features of a building that make people feel ill [removed] indoor air pollutants associated with construction materials [removed] symptoms that people experience when they spend time in a building 1 points Question 15 Some likely human health impacts of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are suggested by their chemical structure, which is similar to that of _______________. [removed] human growth hormone [removed] neurotransmitters [removed] thyroid hormones

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