Entrepreneurial Business Plan Part D:
The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using social media as part of the firm’s promotional campaigns. To complete Part D of the Entrepreneurial Business Plan, students will have to conduct outside research, using their preferred search engine (i.e., Google, Ask, etc.) and a minimum of three peer-reviewed articles to conduct an investigation of the advantages, risks, concerns, and downfalls of integrating different social media channels as part of their promotion campaign strategies. (CLO’s 1, 6, 7, and 8)
Expectations for this assignment:
General Guidelines:
1. Your paper should meet all APA (6th Ed.) writing standards.
2. The Change Matrix must be placed immediately following the Title Page.
3. Beginning in Wk. 2 – Instructor’s feedback, recommendations, and corrections must be addressed and detailed on the change matrix page.
4. Include a faith integration component – The faith integration component should be present throughout your business plan (e.g., not just a paragraph or mention of faith at the end of each section). In other words, how does your faith or world view influence your firm?
Specific to this week’s component:
1. This assignment requires a minimum of three peer-reviewed articles published within the last five years.
2. Present an in-depth discussion of the advantages of using social media as part of a promotional campaign.
3. Present an in-depth discussion of the disadvantages of using social media as part of the promotional campaign.
4. Present a discussion of proposals for the firm.
Feedback from the instructor on Part C:
“I am not seeing the attachment of the required city, county, state, and federal business application forms. Be sure to insert these (in the Appendices) before your final submission. Also, be sure to review the notes I placed directly on your paper and let me know if you have any questions.“
I have attached the document with the instructors annotated feedback, to be included in the Change Matrix.
I also included Part C so you can just add to it.
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