Take the time to consider what you accomplished or struggled to accomplish. Reflect on the major concepts you studied in this course: Apply psychological theories to topics in human sexuality. Apply scholarly research findings to topics in human sexuality. Explain how ethics inform professional behavior in the field of human sexuality. Create a response of approximately 300–500 words that addresses the following reflective questions about the concepts covered in this course: Describe how concepts that you have learned in the course have improved your professional and personal interactions in the workplace or in your community. In detail, indicate how you have applied one course concept in a workplace or personal situation. Discuss in detail, with the use of an example, your most valuable lessons learned in this course. Discuss which course concepts you struggled with and need to continue to develop. I have included past papers with concepts from the course. The coursebook used for this course: Kelly, G. F. (2014). Sexuality today (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill

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