Describe a Room

For this week’s assignment, we are going to start by working on writing descriptively and effectively. The idea here is to use objects, setting, and all of the little details that surround a person to effectively provide a general sense or feeling of something (whether that be a person, a scene, a moment, or so on).

This week’s assignment will be to describe a room. This can be a room that you are in, a room that you are familiar with, or a room of your own creation. This room can be populated with people, but the focus should not be on the people; it should be on the details (give no more than a couple of sentences to those people). Think about all of the little details that make that room unique and memorable (or make it not unique and memorable). There need not be a focus on what can be seen, but also what can be heard, smelled, felt, etc. Try to encapsulate all of the senses here to give a sense of this room in this particular moment. Do your best to achieve a certain feeling with this description (is it a pleasant room? Boring? A source of anxiety?).

This description should be about a page.

The second part of this assignment is to write a 1-2 paragraph reflection on why you chose to write about and include what you did (including that sense or feeling you were trying to achieve).

Please provide original work. No plagiarizing.

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