Review the 12 principles presented by Hardina et al. in the section titled “Humans Service Organizations and Empowerment” in Ch. 4 of Management of Human Service Programs. Additional resources may be used.…

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that discusses the principles presented by Hardina et al. In your paper, discuss the principles that characterize an empowerment approach to social service management, and evaluate how these principles are applied to a human service organization in which you are familiar.

Specifically, address the following:

  • Explore what themes from classical management theories (bureaucracy, scientific management, universal management principles, etc.) are utilized with an empowerment approach.
  • Explain the ideological belief systems of a manager who espouses empowerment for the overall agency, staff members, and clientele.
  • Explain the differences between horizontal and top down organizational models.
  • Explain how the concepts of team building and collaboration are met through the use of contemporary management theories.
  • Discuss strategies for consistent evaluation of organizational efficacy that includes strategic feedback from clients, community constituency groups, and staff members within the agency.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Include a minimum of 3 scholarly references, including your textbook.

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