Employment Laws Training video designed for all supervisor, manager, director, and office personnel. This training video should not exceed more than two minutes in duration.

Produce the video using any app or software of your choosing that can create videos.

Plan to upload the video to a streaming site such as YouTube, Vimeo, or your University of Phoenix OneDrive cloud in a resolution no larger than 1280×720. Include a link to your video

Employ professional dress in the video, and the background should also be professional and not display any type of clutter, ads, slogans, etc. in the background.

Create a narrated 10- to 12-slide presentation if you would rather not create a video.

Record the narration for your presentation using the Microsoft® PowerPoint® “Record Slide Show” feature to record the narration for your presentation. To record your slide show, do the following:

  • Slide Show tab > Record Slide Show > Start Recording
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