Task 4-1: Build the Brainless Central Processing Unit Include a picture of your Logisim Brainless Central Processing Unit circuit here: Figure 1. Brainless Central Processing Unit JCC Task 4-2: Test and Control the Brainless Central Processing Unit Perform the testing procedures outlined in the laboratory manual and fill in the blanks below. (Note that these questions appear in the text of the laboratory manual.) · Record the first number placed on the data bus here: 5 · What do the following three switches need to be set to in order to perform the pass-through operation? /~A_Only = 0 /~Invert= 1 Logic/~Arith= 0 · Enter the second number you entered into the data bus here: 2 · What do the following three switches need to be set to in order to perform the ADD operation? /~A_Only = 1 /~Invert= 1 Logic/~Arith= 0 · Write down the number that appears in the accumulator here: 7 Describe other numerical additions and other operations you checked in order to verify your brainless CPU here: I repeated the additions several times using 3, 4 and 1 and toggled through several times till I got the correct addition. After you are convinced your circuit is working properly, remove the 4-bit binary keyboard and set the ACC to Data Bus pin to 1. Did the output of the accumulator appear on the data bus? Yes. How does the output of the ALU change? It changed to Hex E. If the 4-bit binary keyboard was not removed and the ACC to Data Bus switch is set to 1, what would you expect to see displayed in the hex digit display attached to the data bus? I expect to see whatever is supplied to the data bus in hex display. Add the 4-bit binary keyboard back into your circuit and observe the hex digit display on the data bus for various keyboard values. Is the value on the hex digit display what you expected? Yes. Explain Only 1 signal is being allowed to enter the buffer at a time. Therefore, the buffer is receiving only the output of the register. Why do you think the register at the output of the ALU is called the ‘accumulator’? Because it stores data that passes through the ALU, it provides a feedback path tho the B input of the ALU and because it can store intermediate arithmetic or logic results. Task 4-3: Build the Addressing Logic Include a picture of your Logisim addressing logic circuit here: Figure 2. Addressing Logic JCC Test your circuit and record the results in Table 1 . Include a picture of your Logisim addressing logic circuit testing set up. Figure 3. Testing Addressing Logic JCC Table 1 A (4-bit binary) Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 0000 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0001 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0010 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0011 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Task 4-4: Build a 4-Bit ROM Memory Cell Include a picture of your Logisim 4-bit ROM circuit here: Figure 4. 4-bit ROM memory cell JCC Test your circuit and record the results in Table 2 . Include a picture of your Logisim 4-bit ROM circuit testing set up. Figure 5. Testing 4-bit ROM memory cell JCC Table 2 A (4-bit binary) Read Memory Select Y (Data Bus) 0001 1 1 1 0101 1 1 5 1000 1 1 8 1000 0 1 X 1000 1 0 X 1000 0 0 X Task 4-5: Build 4-Bit Output Port Include a picture of your Logisim 4-bit output port circuit here: Figure 6. 4-bit output device JCC Test your circuit and record the results in Table 3 . Table3 Data Bus (4-bit binary) Write Memory Select Q 0001 1 1 1 0010 0 1 Last Q 0011 1 0 Last Q 0011 0 0 Last Q 0011 0 0 0 0011 1 0 0 0011 1 1 3 0001 0 0 0 Task 4-6: Build the 4-Bit RAM Cell Include a picture of your Logisim 4-bit RAM circuit here: Figure 7. 4-bit RAM JCC Test your circuit and record the results in Table 4 . Include a picture of your Logisim 4-bit RAM circuit testing set up. Figure 8. Testing 4-bit RAM JCC Table4 Data Bus (4-bit binary) Write Memory Select Read Q {between register and buffer} Data Bus {after buffer} 0110 1 1 1 6 6 0110 0 1 1 6 6 0110 1 0 1 6 – 0110 0 0 1 6 – 0110 0 0 0 6 – 0101 1 1 1 5 5 Task 4-7: Build the Brainless Microprocessor Include a picture of your Logisim brainless microprocessor…

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