IMPORTANT: AFTER PURCHASE, LOG IN TO YOUR ACCOUNT AND SCROLL DOWN BELOW THIS PAGE TO DOWNLOAD FILES WITH ANSWERS. 1. If any of the assumptions underlying the t test are violated to a modest extent, 2. Descriptive research can focus on depicting 3. A casual-comparative design seeks to find relationships between independent and dependent variables 4. Analysis of covariance is the preferred test rather than analysis of variance when 5. A nonparametric test of significance should be considered whenever 6. Use of the t test for a single mean requires 7. A descriptive research study would be likely to report all but which of the following types of scores or statistics? 8. In causal-comparative research, matching is used to 9. Which statistical test is considered a parametric test? 10. Longitudinal research designs are particularly useful for studying 11. If a researcher studies the same population over time by repeatedly contacting the same sample of individuals, the researcher is conducting a _________ study. 12. In conducting a MANOVA on a cluster of five related variables, a researcher obtains an F value that is significant at the .01 level. What is the next step that should be taken in analyzing the data? 13. Chi-square should be used when data are in the form of 14. The Mann-Whitney U test, the Wilcoxon signed rank test, and the Kruskal-Wallis test 15. The best way to select two groups for comparison in a causal-comparative research study so that they are highly different on the presumed causal variable is 16. Compared to parametric statistics, nonparametric statistics 17. Compared with a longitudinal study, an important advantage of a cross-sectional study is that 18. After the researchers have selected a group having the characteristic they wish to study in a causal comparative design, the next logical step is to 19. Analysis of variance focuses on the 20. The t-statistic is computed to determine BUY MORE MATERIALS FOR THIS COURSE: EDUC 815 APA Quiz EDUC 815 Quiz 1 EDUC 815 Quiz 2 EDUC 815 Quiz 3 EDUC 815 Quiz 4 EDUC 815 Quiz 5

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