Klaus Dodds, M. Kuus & J. Sharp Introduction: Geopolitics and its Critics 5-10

Klaus Dodds Geopolitics Chapter 1 (pdf) pp.1-13

Online:Follow current developments in Turkey and Iran – find additional sources






Video: Continue watching the second 20 minutes – it’s the Q&A section

Klaus Dodds Geopolitics: A Very Short Introduction


Watch: 2019 FVCC Honors Symposium Between Two Worlds: Turkey’s

Geopolitical Role in Europe and the Middle East https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9q9-_1GR9k (about 60 min.)

WRITTEN Blog Post #6 is due the day the class usually meets.

Please answer these questions connected to your readings.

  • Mustafa Kemal’s overarching goal was secular modernity. What is that and what is a modern political system? Was it achieved? 61
  • How did Iran and Turkey differ in their approach to create democracies? What were threats in order to achieve unity? 64, 69
  • What relationship does Turkey presently have with the United States? How has it changed since the 1990s? (find at least two sources other than class readings)

Send per email the answers to the following questions (please type and double space)

1-Part One has the title “For the people, in spite of the people”. Who said that and what does it mean? Ch 3Why was Mustafa Kemal’s statement about creating a republic such a shock? 59 Why did he give himself the name Atatürk? What about surnames in Turkey?

2- Dodds, Kuus and Sharp in
Introduction: Geopolitics and its Critics say: “Critical geopolitics is, in very substantial measure, a reaction against those geopolitical strands while acknowledging the need to carefully contextualize earlier geopolitical engagements

in Europe, and elsewhere in the world.” (6) What are “those geopolitical strands”? And what “earlier geopolitical engagements” is referred to?

3-How is geopolitics linked to popular culture? (see Dodds Geopolitics Ch 1 p. 8-13) Can you think of other examples?

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