Instructions : Refine the contemporary global issue of Advancements in Technology are Outpacing Global Literacy and learn where the themes and disagreements lie. Zero in on some aspect of that issue that affects vulnerable and disenfranchised groups differently from the way it affects dominant cultural groups. How these groups have historically been, and currently are, impacted by the policies, decisions, and actions of others; what ethical principles have driven these policies, decisions, and actions; and what strategies and solutions the different parties have come up with. Examine the issue from multiple perspectives, including your own cultural (U.S) background and experiences and those of impacted individuals and groups. You will use the lens of at least two ethical theories to evaluate the potential equity of the different strategies and solutions. You will recommend areas for further study that might result in more equitable treatment of those vulnerable and disenfranchised groups. Your recommendation must be supported by well-reasoned evidence from scholarly research. Remember: you are not to propose solutions at this point, just lay out the possibilities! The final Diversity/Ethics scaffold paper will be 2,000-2,500 words, excluding title page and references. There are many ways to write up your research findings at this stage. Below is a list of aspects of the research that you must include in some way: *Identify the groups of people around the world who may be adversely affected by the issue, and also the dominant groups who are not *Situate your own cultural perspective relative to the issue and these groups *Use Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory in some way as you analyze the diverse cultural perspectives *Address issues such as ingroup favoritism, intergroup bias, etc. (see the list of topics in The Global Workplace, Part 1 in Module 3) *Describe the ethical issues involved in addressing the problem, being sure to draw on at least two ethical theories (see the list of topics in The Global Workplace, Part 2 in Module 3) *Analyze the decision making process and action plans that have been tried *Examine evidence for social responsibility in these processes and plans *Identify the policies and practices presented in the research findings that might lead to equitable solutions (and which seem unlikely to do so). *Then, take a step back! Don’t pick a solution yet. Let this portion of your paper season, and wait for feedback from your instructor and your peers. You will be expected to present your proposed solution in detail in the last segment of your final paper.

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