Report Issue Aerobic Versus Anaerobic: What is the Difference? Select one of the following: a triathlete, a football player, a gymnast, and one phase of their sport. For example, if you choose the triathlete you can choose the cycling phase of their activity, or if you choose the football player, you could choose the sprint phase of their activity, or if you choose the gymnast, you may choose the backflip phase of their activity. As your athlete performs the chosen activity, discuss whether rapid or slow glycolysis is the most effective means of energy transfer? What physiological factors contributed to your analysis (e.g. hydrogen release, lactate formation, glucose catabolism, etc.)? How did these factors influence your choice? Explain the benefits of lactate for optimal performance of the chosen activity. Your research and claims must be supported by your course text and a minimum of two additional scholarly sources. Use proper APA formatting for in-text citations and references Guided Response: Review some of your classmates posts. Identify at least two classmates who chose a different athlete than you chose and analyze the appropriateness of the type of glycolysis they discussed. Then, explain if you agree with the benefits of lactate identified for their chosen activity. Support your reasoning for each response to your classmates with at least one scholarly source. (((((And)))) Energy Sources This discussion will has three parts: Part One: Your initial post as The Training Consultant (Due Day 3) Imagine that you are a training consultant for a professional soccer player. Discuss the effects of exercise on each of the following with your client: Fat metabolism Protein metabolism Carbohydrate metabolism In your discussion include an explanation of the benefits of having different energy sources as well as the effects of excess energy intake. Your research and claims must be supported by your course text and a minimum of two additional scholarly sources. Use proper APA formatting for in-text citations and references Guided Response: Part Two: Your reply as The Soccer Player (Due Day 5) Review some of your classmates posts. Imagine that you are the soccer player receiving this information from the consultant (your classmate). Do you agree with the information provided? Why or why not? What specific information provided in your classmates post helped you to come to that decision? Respond to at least two of your classmates. Support your reasoning for each response to your classmates with at least one scholarly source. Part Three: Your rebuttal as the Training Consultant (Due Day 7) Rebut at least two of your classmates responses to your initial post. Support your reasoning for each rebuttal to your classmates with at least one scholarly source.
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