Please respond to the following: The discussion questions given please produce 200 words about each numbered question. please place answers under each bullet point. In Addition a response must be given back (100 words) to the other students Kemba Carroll and Tiara Davis and Shawn ANDERSON for both responses.
1) Debate It – Take a position on this statement: Media cause individuals to develop negative and unrealistic body images. Support your views with two or three reasons and/or examples. (Cite any sources you referenced.)
2) Is product placement as popular in new media as it has been in traditional television and film content? Do you think over time audiences become anaesthetized to this type of advertising? Support your views with two or three reasons and/or examples. (Cite any sources you referenced.)
Kemba Carroll
RE Discussion
Debate It – Take a position on this statement: Media cause individuals to develop negative and unrealistic body images. Support your views with two or three reasons and/or examples
I strongly agree that the media can cause individuals to develop negative and unrealistic body images. There are positively some immediate messages related with body weight in the media; celebrities, design models and show hosts are frequently observed as good examples, particularly by young people. They seem to show what it is to be fruitful and famous. Their body weight, appearance and beauty are frequently connected with their ubiquity and riches. This is especially evident in what is alluded to as “thin-idea” media, an idea which has been taken a gander at with enthusiasm by scientists in the field of social psychology(2). The expression “flimsy perfect media ” alludes to media pictures, shows and movies that contain extremely meager female leads. This is something that surfaces a ton in style magazines, attire lists and popular culture network shows. Slight perfect media features that slenderness is a decent and alluring thing to be, regardless of whether it is to a level that is possibly harming to a person’s health.
“Studies show that people with low self-esteem spend the most time on social media. It was also found that social media causes people to have lower self-esteem. That means that people already suffering from low self-esteem are indulging in an activity that causes lower self-esteem. It’s a vicious cycle.”
Tiara Davis
Debate It – Take a position on this statement: Media cause individuals to develop negative and unrealistic body images. Support your views with two or three reasons and/or examples
Hello Class and Professor Mims,
for this week’s discussion, I’ve chosen to agree with the above statement. The media does cause individuals to have unrealistic body images. I believe this for so many reasons. My first reason is women who are expecting or have just given birth began applying pressure on their bodies right away to “SnapBack”, as they say in this generation. To me, I don’t believe in working out while you’re expecting because you’re taking your body way past it’s limit even if your doctor has approved of it. I believe it could cause possible complications, or the umbilical cord may wrap around the fetus’s neck, causing death. Also, after having given birth, any person in their right state of mind would want to just simply bong with their little bundle of joy instead of performing massive workout routines.
Another example would be celebrities who have obviously undergone surgery to remove certain body fat in certain they may not want it and transfer it to another part of their body (such as their buttocks). They then will promote certain brands like Flat Tummy Tea and say that the reason they’re stomachs are flat is because of the product they’re branding on social media, when in reality it isn’t true at all. It’s all hysterical to me! Everyone today wants an hourglass figure, even if it isn’t real. They’d rather have fake breasts and a silicone butt to fit in, but it isn’t worth it.
– Tiara D.
RE: Discussion
Is product placement as popular in new media as it has been in traditional television and film content? Do you think over time audiences become anaesthetized to this type of advertising? Support your views with two or three reasons and/or examples. (Cite any sources you referenced.)
I think product placement is a marketing technique that is being used in this generation where references to specific brands or products are also being incorporated into another work especially in major films and television programs with the intent of promotion. It has also become popular in new media compared to the way it was in the traditonal television where certain products were only advertised for some minutes in television and film content. In the new media, many companies have engaged in advertising their products in various TV series which have many audiences and followers. Product placement is closely related to celebrity endorsement and even influencer marketing.
Product placement in movies is a huge and profitable industry these times. In the U.S. alone product placement is reaching nearly $11,44 billion since this year. Apart from being a huge business product placement is effective too by contributing to its profitability. In reading and researching more than half Americans trust the silent advice celebrities give them from the screen. Nearly 49% of Americans go further and buy what they spot in movies as well.
There are Pros and Cons to product placement to where they are good for advertising and not good.
Pros: Good Assocation, Undivided Attention, Advance Targeting, Improved Efficiency, Top-tier Influencer Marketing
Cons: High Cost, Uncertain Deadlines, Too much is at stake, Limited Control overproduction
Do you think over time audiences become anaesthetized to this type of advertising?
I don’t think they will become anaesthetized over time because Ads are becoming more dynamic and personalized and also Advertising channels are becoming automatically integrated.
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