In 2016, Brock Turner made national headlines related to his sexual assault and subsequent 6 month sentence. As a refresher, you can view an article related to the case here:
Additionally, you can find the victim’s powerful and graphic impact statement here:
- Search the Internet for more information regarding the Turner case, including his trial, sentence, and subsequent media response.
- Search the Internet for another more recent sexual assault on a college-campus (nationwide). Research that case, the facts, the trial, and the outcome.
- Review the statistics related to on-campus sexual assaults found here:
Based on your research and utilizing the proper terminology from your textbook, answer the following questions:
- Do you agree with the sentence given to Brock Turner? Why or why not?
- Did the punishment in the case you chose seem to match Mr. Turner’s? If so, why? If not, what factors do you think led to a higher/lower sentence?
- Imagine you are a legislator. Would you recommend a law that presumes any sexual activity between college students was not consensual absent a written and signed consent statement? Why or why not?
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