Everyone should worry about getting a computer virus that will corrupt or destroy files. Some suggest that software developers may be taking advantage of this fear by sending out misleading or fake virus alerts. One reported scam encourages users to download a free virus detection program. This free download begins by actually installing a virus onto the user’s computer. It then performs a bogus scan, locating the virus and then offering to remove the virus for a fee. Obviously, this is unethical, not to mention illegal. How can you and legitimate antivirus manufacturers protect themselves against viruses and unethical software developers? Read the attached document titled Discussion 2-Ethics.pdf and the suggested articles below, then respond to the following questions. Have you ever been offered a free virus alert program? If so, describe the offer and whether you accepted the offer. Almost all legitimate antivirus software manufacturers issue new virus alerts. Do you think these alerts are motivated by greed or by good consumer service? Why or why not? Is this an ethical issue for antivirus software manufacturers? If so, create some ethical guidelines for antivirus software manufacturers to follow when issuing virus alerts. What can users do to protect themselves against antivirusscams and against unethical manufacturers of antivirusprograms? Be specific and defend your suggestions. DISCUSSION 2 SUGGESTED ARTICLE & VIDEOS (you are free to use any source you wish to help answer the questions) Articles AboutTech: Your PC is Infected Phone Scam (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. McAfee Security Advice Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Tech Support Scams (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. DISCUSSION 2 GRADING CRITERIA Make your initial post of 100 words or more answering and elaborating on the questions above. Must meet college level writing. Make sure that your postings do not have spelling errors, incomplete sentences, and formatting. Please make sure to run a spell check on it before submitting it.

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