1.Access Walmart’s Global Statement of Ethics and identify the key stakeholders and their corresponding responsibilities (pages 5-7). Assume you are the Chief Ethics Officer for Walmart responsible for enforcing the company’s ethics policy. Identify 2-3 methods or measures your team might incorporate to ensure all stakeholders remain aware of their responsibilities related to ethics.

2. HR teams will play vital roles in organizations to ensure ethical behavior and compliance. To be effective, they must first place an emphasis on ethical behavior amongst their own teams. Go to https://www.shrm.org/about-shrm/Pages/code-of-ethics.aspx and review the HR Code of Ethics. Select any one of the 6 sections you feel might be more important than the others and explain your reasoning. Be specific.

3. An integral part of Walmart’s operational efficiency is its ability to partner with suppliers in order to purchase merchandise and reduce costs of packaging and shipping. Review the Walmart Case Study in our text book (pages 408-409) and identify at least 2 issues that may negatively impact relationships with supplier stakeholders. Be specific.

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