Discussion 1: Ethical Issues Facing Special Education The most pressing ethical issues facing special education today are not new. While the particular examples of the mistreatment of children in the research studies from this modules Additional Resources occurred in the past, they are no less relevant today. As a special education professional, you may determine that the reasons for the abuse exist now, just as they did when the studies were conducted. As a leader in the field of special education, it is critical to be sensitive to the pressures and challenges facing those conducting scientific investigations. Acute awareness of these challenges will support you to act effectively and ethically in your own practice and when scrutinizing the practices of others. In this Discussion, you will consider specific examples of ethical issues in special education research. You will also examine the relationship between seeking to conduct a valid study and weighing the cost relative to impacts on study participants. To prepare: · Review all module Learning Resources and consult the articles found in the Additional Readings list. Pay particular attention to content focusing on ethical research issues with students with exceptionalities. A response to the following: · What is one of the most pressing ethical issues facing the field of research in special education today? · Analyze the relationship between research ethics in special education and validity. What are the potential abuses, and by whom? Support your responses with specific references to the Learning Resources, outside resources, and personal experience. Learning Resources Note: To access this modules required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus. Required Readings Florian, L. (Ed.). (2014). The SAGE handbook of special education (2nd ed.). London, England: Sage. Chapter 21, A Disability Studies Frame for Research Approaches in Special Education(pp. 351367) Focus on the promise of disability studies approach to research, addressing policy and socio-cultural context, and disability studies and transformative influence. ONeill, R. E., McDonnell, J. J., Billingsley, F. F., & Jenson, W. R. (2011). Single case research designs in educational and community settings. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Chapter 1, Historical Background and Development of Single Case Research (pp. 113) Focus on the development of single case research as a valid and reliable method in special education. Note: You will use this reading for your work on your MA. Rumrill, P. D., Cook, B. G., & Wiley, A. L. (2011). Research in special education: Designs, methods, and applications . Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas. Chapter 1, Introduction to research in Special Education (pp. 317) Focus on the elements of research that are common across studies in the field of education. Also pay particular attention to characteristics of research that are unique to special education. Note challenges to the science of special education. Chapter 4, Ethical Issues and Guidelines for Special Education Research (pp. 7399) Focus on a review of the underlying ethical principles of special education. Pay particular attention to the treatment of human subjects. Consider that the use of the results of a research study should consider impacts on research participants. Chapter 5, Research Validity (pp. 100117) Focus on the general concept and specific types of research validity. Review definitions of internal and external validity and the threats to each. Note how you may apply what you learned to critique your own work, and the studies conducted by other researchers. Vaughn, S., & Swanson, E. A. (2015). Special education research advances knowledge in education. Exceptional Children, 82 (1), 1124. Additional Resources Although eve…
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