Discussion 1

Communication Through Innovation: Read Chapter 3 of the text and select at least one scholarly source from the library that addresses specific methods of communication technology. For this discussion, you will read Chapter 3 of Making Strategy Count in the Human Services Sector and select a minimum of one scholarly article from the Ashford library that examines the use of technology in human service organizations (e.g., client/provider communication, use of social media, interventions using communication technology, etc.).

Reflect: As contemporary society seeks to access and capitalize on the use of innovative technologies, human service organizations find themselves working to integrate applicable modalities into the scope of service provision on multiple levels (e.g., use of technology to communicate internally, apply technology to client engagement, etc.). For this discussion, you will consider the role of communication within human service organizations and apply your understanding of how pertinent technologies have changed the
landscape of interaction. Consider the critical issues that relate to the use of technology as identified in your readings.

Write: First, you will explain the essential features and significance of two distinct electronic communication methods identified in your scholarly article(s). Next, you will compare and contrast each method in terms of their individual benefits and limitations as they pertain to meeting the needs of the client group. Finally, discuss the implications of these methods in terms of how they contribute to organizational strategy within a human service organization.

Discussion 2

Information Systems and Technology: Read Chapter 7 of the text and select at least one scholarly source from the library that addresses information systems/technology in the health and human services field. For this discussion, you are required to read Chapter 7 of Making Strategy Count in the Human Services Sector and select a minimum of one scholarly article from the Ashford library that examines information systems issues within the health and human services field (e.g., ethics, limitations related to use, employee training, data quality, etc.) The HealthIT, HUD, and Child Welfare Information Gateway websites are good recommended resources to refer to; they may be used, but do not replace your required scholarly article.

Reflect: Information systems play a vital role in the collection of pertinent data within human service organizations. In this second discussion forum for the week, you will choose one of five case examples that illustrates the use of information systems and scrutinize its application. Think about the issues and considerations related to the application of information systems addressed in the readings.

Write: After selecting one of the five information systems case examples identified in pages 142-146 of the textbook, critically assess the role of the Public Health Management Corporation in your selected scenario, taking into account factors impacting its successful development of information systems and how the use of technology is applied in the delivery of human services. Then, using your required scholarly resource, you will identify and explain a minimum of three issues for consideration (e.g., ethical challenges, financial considerations, employee training, quality improvement, etc.) that human service organizations should be mindful of to ensure effective use of information systems.

Here is the book:

Hansen-Turton, T. & Mortell, M . (2014). Making strategy count in health and human services sector. New York, NY: Spring Publishing Company

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