Assessment item 3 – Design Phase Value: 19% Due Date: 23-Jan-2020 Length: 2000 words Submission method options: Alternative submission method TASK In the third phase of the project, you need to perform following design activities in continuation of the analysis activities from assignment 2. 1. Design the system architecture, describing the important hardware and software components (servers, clients etc.) and their role. Justify your design decisions that involve a choice of technology or choice of software components. It is strongly recommended to draw one or more architecture diagrams to better illustrate your designs. 2. Choose two distinct use cases and draw their user interface mockups in the form of storyboards. You should conform the principles of good UI design as taught in the subject. Storyboard diagrams should have sufficient details and annotations to give a clear idea of proposed design. 3. Perform use case realization for two most important use cases from the case study. Choose two important use cases for the system (from assignment 2) and elaborate them using interaction diagrams (i.e. sequence diagrams or communication diagrams). Maximum word count is 2000, excluding the diagrams. RATIONALE This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s: • be able to create analysis and design diagrams with UML notation. • be able to compare the syntax, semantics and pragmatics of UML to determine the best diagrams for the problem domain. • be able to model various aspects of systems to construct quality diagrams for use in a system development project. PRESENTATION Assignment should be submitted as a single Word document. Diagrams can be created using any UML and general drawing tools. All diagrams need to be included in the report, with a caption and figure number. If needed, use landscape pages for large diagrams. Hand-drawn diagrams will not be accepted. REQUIREMENTS Correct referencing is important for your assignment. Use APA6 for referencing.

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