Design a document (think of it as two separate plans) to explain one subject to two different audiences (audiences with different learning needs, ages, or background experiences with the subject). Describe/explain/teach the subject (one that you already know a lot about, one that you are currently studying, or one that you want to learn) to two different audiences.

An example might be something like this: As a Finance major, you hope to work as a stockbroker one day. Devise a plan to describe the concepts of the stock market (how it works) to an adult and a 9-year-old child. Another example might be to describe the intellectual and artistic merits of contemporary sculpture to both a devoted art collector and someone with no prior education or exposure to art.

For this option, clearly identify your subject and purpose, and your two target audiences. Choose a subject that is complicated enough to require at least one page of explanation for each audience (so your document should be at least two pages).

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