PLEASE READ ALL ASSIGNMENT REQUIREMENTS INCLUDING THE ATTACHED GRADING RUBRIC BEFORE AGREEING TO DO THE WORK. THANK YOU. The chief technology officer (CTO) has indicated that your organization has been requested by the National Security Council (NSC) to comment on the upcoming National Cybersecurity Strategy. The NSC has asked for specific recommendations as it relates to the next cybersecurity strategy, private/public partnerships, and comments on how specific technologies should be incorporated into the assessment. The CTO has asked you to collaborate with your team to provide the organizational input. You will be collaborating with your previously assigned team on this assignment. It is up to the team members to decide how they will plan, meet, discuss, and complete the five sections of the paper. Remember, if a member fails to complete his or her part of the work, the team is still responsible for all sections. You will also complete a peer review for yourself and for each member of the team. The peer feedback will be incorporated into each team member’s assignment grade. As a group, use the Week 7 and 8 Assignment Template to write your paper, which should cover the following topics: Part 1: National Security Strategy and Cybersecurity · After reading the National Security Strategy (2017) , comment on the following. o Should the United States create a separate cybersecurity strategy to be published alongside the National Security Strategy (NSS), or do you feel the NSS is sufficient? Why or why not? o Consider your answer in the context of the original National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace (2003) . What is not adequately addressed in the National Security Strategy (2017) as it relates to cybersecurity? Part 2: Public/Private Partnerships · After reading the Cybersecurity Act of 2015 , address the private/public partnership with the DHS National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC), arguably the most important aspect of the act. The Cybersecurity Act of 2015 allows for private and public sharing of cybersecurity threat information. o What should the DHS NCCIC (public) share with private sector organizations? What type of threat information would enable private organizations to better secure their networks? o On the flip side, what should private organizations share with the NCCIC? As it is written, private organization sharing is completely voluntary. Should this be mandatory? If so, what are the implications to the customers’ private data? o The government is not allowed to collect data on citizens. How should the act be updated to make it better and more value-added for the public-private partnership in regards to cybersecurity? Part 3: Private Sector Organizations · Review the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Commission (EU). It includes many provisions and arguably strengthens data protection for individuals within the EU. It even includes the right to be forgotten. The United States does not have a similar regulation. There have only been a few regulations implemented related to US citizens’ private data, which include medical and financial industries. Some argue implementing regulation such as GDPR in the United States would hinder innovation. They contend that the End User License Agreements (EULA) provide sufficient protections and allow the citizens to make the choice of what is and is not shared. o As a private sector organization, do you believe that an equivalent to GDPR should be implemented in the United States? Part 4: Protecting Critical Infrastructure and the Homeland · The Department of Defense (DoD) Cyber Strategy 2018 discusses the protection of critical infrastructure and the homeland. o What does that mean to private organizations such as yours? o If most critical infrastructure in the United States is owned by the private sector, what responsibility does the DoD have in this regard? o Some would argue US laws are outdated and thus the DoD h…

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