I need a 3 page following

2 pages on the part 1 and 1 pages on part 2

Part 1

* After reading the National Security Strategy(2017) comment on the following.


o Should the United States create a separate cybersecurity strategy to be published alongside the National Security Strategy (NSS), or do you feel the NSS is sufficient? Why or why not?

o Consider your answer in the context of the original National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace (2003). What is not adequately addressed in the National Security Strategy (2017) as it relates to cybersecurity?

Part 2

* The Department of Defense (DoD) Cyber Strategy 2018 discusses the protection of critical infrastructure and the homeland.

o What does that mean to private organizations such as yours?

o If most critical infrastructure in the United States is owned by the private sector, what responsibility does the DoD have in this regard?

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