Using the following instructions, set up a Private Cloud using PhoenixConnect: Open a new document in Microsoft® Word and save it as CYB100_F100. You will use this file for your answers to the questions below. Login into using your assigned username and password From the top navigation menu select PhoenixConnect Click on My Profile, and add at least one piece of information into your profile Click on Communities Search for College of Information Systems & Technology Select the College of Information Systems & Technology group In the right-hand panels under Actions select “Create a Document” Click the Browse button and browse your local storage media and click open to upload CYB100_F100 Name the new document CYB_100_YourLastName Click on the Collaboration Options at the bottom of the page Set the Collaboration to “Just You” Click on Publish Click on your Profile and select the Content tab Answer the following questions in a 1/2-page Microsoft® Word document titled CYB100_F100: Explain if it is necessary to login to PhoenixConnect? Why or why not? What form of authentication does this represent? Explain what PhoenixConnect is, what its intended purpose is, and the restrictions of PhoenixConnect Explain how your profile was created. Include in this explanation the importance of reviewing and editing the profile content. Explain how this relates to integrity of information. Explain how PhoenixConnect content can be used for a secure and private cloud. Address access control and permissions and cybersecurity provisions in the context of a private cloud application. From your experience with this asset, is this cloud hardened? Why or why not?

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