Question 1 1. Main memory is called ____. read only memory random access memory read and write memory random read only memory 3 points Question 2 1. The ____ is the brain of the computer and the single most expensive piece of hardware in your personal computer. MM ROM RAM CPU 3 points Question 3 1. The ____ carries out all arithmetic and logical operations. IR ALU CU PC 3 points Question 4 1. The ____ holds the instruction currently being executed. CU IR PC ALU 3 points Question 5 1. When the power is switched off, everything in ____ is lost. main memory secondary storage hard disks floppy disks 3 points Question 6 1. ____ programs perform a specific task. Application System Operating Service 3 points Question 7 1. The ____ monitors the overall activity of the computer and provides services. Central Processing Unit operating system arithmetic logic unit control unit 3 points Question 8 1. Which of the following is NOT an output device? monitor printer CPU secondary storage 3 points Question 9 1. ____ represent information with a sequence of 0s and 1s. Analog signals Application programs Digital signals System programs 3 points Question 10 1. A sequence of eight bits is called a ____. binary digit byte character double 3 points Question 11 1. The digit 0 or 1 is called a binary digit, or ____. bit bytecode Unicode hexcode 3 points Question 12 1. The term GB refers to ____. giant byte gigabyte group byte great byte 3 points Question 13 1. ____ consists of 65,536 characters. ASCII-8 ASCII Unicode EBCDIC 3 points Question 14 1. A program called a(n) ____ translates instructions written in high-level languages into machine code. assembler decoder compiler linker 3 points Question 15 1. A program called a(n) ____ combines the object program with the programs from libraries. assembler decoder linker compiler 3 points Question 16 1. Consider the following C++ program. #include using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Hello World " return 0; } In the cout statement, the missing semicolon in the code above will be caught by the ____. compiler editor assembler control unit 3 points Question 17 1. A program that loads an executable program into main memory is called a(n) ____. compiler loader linker assembler 3 points Question 18 1. A step-by-step problem-solving process in which a solution is arrived at in a finite amount of time is called a(n) ____. algorithm linker analysis design 3 points Question 19 1. To develop a program to solve a problem, you start by ____. analyzing the problem implementing the solution in C++ designing the algorithm entering the solution into a computer system 3 points Question 20 1. In C++, the mechanism that allows you to combine data and operations on the data into a single unit is called a(n) ____. object class function algorithm 3 points Question 21 1. Which of the following is a legal identifier? program! program_1 1program program 1 3 points Question 22 1. All of the following are examples of integral data types EXCEPT ____. int char double short 3 points Question 23 1. Which of the following is a valid char value? -129 -128 128 129 3 points Question 24 1. The value of the expression 17 % 7 is ____. 1 2 3 4 3 points Question 25 1. The expression static_cast(9.9) evaluates to ____. 9 10 9.9 9.0 3 points Question 26 1. The length of the string “computer science” is ____. 14 15 16 18 3 points Question 27 1. Suppose that count is an int variable and count = 1. After the statement count++; executes, the value of count is ____. 1 2 3 4 3 points Question 28 1. Suppose that alpha and beta are int variables. The statement alpha = –beta; is equivalent to the statement(s) ____. alpha = 1 – beta; alpha = beta – 1; beta = beta – 1; alpha = beta; alpha = beta; beta = beta – 1; 3 points Question 29 1. Suppose that alpha and beta are int variables. The statement alpha = beta++; is equivalent to the statement(s) ____. alpha = 1 + beta; alpha = alpha + beta; alpha = beta; beta = beta + 1; b…

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