Please do the Problem 1 in the file!!!
Chapter 5: Please use Page 152 – 160 as a reference:
You will create a design for an Ethernet network connecting four buildings in an industrial park. Hand in a picture
showing your network. There will be a core switch in each building.
Building A is the headquarters building.
Building B is 85 meters south and 90 meters east of the headquarters building. A line will run
directly from Building A to Building B.
Building C is 150 meters south of the headquarters building. A line will run directly from Building
A to Building C.
Building D is 60 meters west of Building C. A line will run directly from Building C to Building D.
Computers in Building A need to communicate with computers in Building B at 600 Mbps.
Computers in Building A need to be able to communicate with computers in Building C at 1 Gbps.
Computers in Building A must communicate with computers in Building D at 500 Mbps.
Computers in Building C must communicate with computers in Building D at 750 Mbps.
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