Chapter 13 – Creating Innovatining Organizations

1.0 What is the difference between sustaining disruptive technology?.

2.0 What is a difference between information richness and information reach?.

3.0 How Have the internet and WWW created a global plataform for business?.

4.0 What are the four ebusiness advantages?.

5.0 What is the difference between ebusiness and ecommerce?.

Chapter 14 – Ebusiness

1.0 What is business model?.

2.0 What are the benefits and challenges associated with E business?.

3.0 What is the difference between a B2B and C2C?.

4.0 What is the difference between a C2B and B2C?.

5.0 what is the difference between serach engine ranking and search engine ranking and search engine optimization?.

Chapter 15 – Creating Collaborative Partnerships

1.0 What are the benefits and challenges associated with Web 2.0?.

2.0 What are the four primary characteristics of Web 2.0?.

3.0 Would a small business want to use crowdsourcing or crowdfunding?.

4.0 What are the three challenges associated whit Business 2.0?.

5.0 How does business differ from Ebusiness.

Chapter 16 – Integrating Wireless Techonology in Business

1.0 What is a personal area network?.

2.0 how does WI-FI work?.

3.0 What are the advantages of mobile business?.

4.0 What is IT consumerization and how does it impact an organization?.

5.0 What is the difference between WEP and WPA?.

Chapter 17 – Developing Software to Streamline Operations

1.0 What is the systems development life cycle?.

2.0 Which phase in the systems development life Cycle is the most important?.

3.0 What are the different types of system testing?.

4.0 What are the different types of system implementation methods?.

5.0 why should end users be involved in the systems development effort?.

Chapter 18 – Methodology for Supporting Agile Organizations

1.0 Which project management methodology would you choose to run your systems development project?.

2.0 What do rapid application development, extreme programming, and the rational unified process all have in common?.

3.0 How many gates are included in the RUP methodology?.

4.0 What is a service-oriented architecture?.

5.0 What is a service?.

Chapter 19 – Managing Organizational Projects

1.0 What role does project management play in the systems development effort?.

2.0 Why would a project manager use Gantt and PERT charts?.

3.0 What are the different types of outsourcing available for a project?.

4.0 Expelling the goal of the Project Management Institute and identify three key terms associated with PMBOK.

5.0 Explain the different types of feasibility studies a project manager can use to prioritize project importance?.

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