Paper #1 Part 2: Researching a Focused Question–Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4

You should have already chosen a focused question to work on. Now you will:

1. State your question clearly and explain why you chose it.

2. Predict an answer to your question.

3. Highlight more than one school of thought OR the historical OR social context of the question

4. Include links for the two sources you will use to support one school of thought, OR historical OR social context

discussion questions:

The questions to consider before beginning for this week asked what science and philosophy have to do with one another. How do they intersect in your world? Would you consider yourself more of a scientist or a philosopher? Respond to these questions.

Were you surprised to learn that the word “science” didn’t exist before 1833? Why or why not?

Can you choose one of the 4 major changes discussed by Laura Synder to be considered the most impactful? Which one and why? Why not?

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