Topic: Facebook and Twitter launched in 2006; Instagram launched in 2010 and Snapchat in 2011. In just over a decade, social media platforms have radically transformed the way people interact with one another. Write an essay examining the role social media plays in our culture at large today and arguing whether the benefits outweigh the drawbacks (or vice versa) of this form of communication.

Your essay should offer a persuasive argument that addresses the question and reflects the critical thinking process described in the textbook From Critical Thinking to Argument and reviewed in class.

Review the following resources regarding the topic of Social Media that are posted for you:

Growing up with Social Media

What Your Smart Devices Know (and Share) about You

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Hearing on Data Protection

Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?

Social Media Use and Social Connectedness in Adolescents

Narrative Agency in Hashtag Activism

Value of Social Media in Today’s Classroom


Essays must reach the top of the fifth page, but they may be longer.

Essays must include a minimum of one quotation from resources pertaining to the topic.

Parenthetical citations must be used to identify the quotations, and quotes must be referenced on a works cited page.

Essays must be typed using MLA style.

Students are NOT to do any additional research on the issue.

Students may not use resources for this essay other than those posted in Canvas

There were 3 resources with links. The other four I have uploaded files. (There is one file is too big to upload. Please give me your email address so that I can send it to you) Tell me if you have trouble opening the files.

Read resources and write persuasive argument essay. I need it no later than next Monday night.Thx

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