For the following program: • Create an algorithm. • Code the program as • Upload your algorithm and your program ( Grades a) Write a program that reads in the names and test grades of 5 students from the data file “grades.txt”. Use the split function to separate the names and test scores and convert the test scores to numeric values. b) Calculate the average of the test scores. c) Display the names, test scores and the average on the screen as follows: Name Grade ——————— Mickey Mouse 90.0 Jane Doe 50.0 Minnie Mouse 95.0 Donald Duck 80.0 Daffy Duck 70.0 Average Grade: 77.0 d) Prompt the user for a new first name, last name and grade. e) Append the files “grades.txt” with the new data in the same format as the existing records. Grading Rubric: Algorithm (6) File Reading (6) • Variables • Split • Numeric conversion Calculation (2) Output to screen (2) • Round to 1 decimal place File Appending (4)

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