GO PRINT Question 1 Popular Genres ————– We will start with the IMDB database. For each genre, show the total number of shows that are listed in that genre. Format genre as 15 characters wide. Order in descending order of popularity. Correct results will have 28 rows and will look like this: Genre Count ————— ———– Drama 1183422 Comedy 1049517 Short 670864 Documentary 499078 Talk-Show 452645 Romance 398779 Family 339665 News 338804 Animation 255212 Reality-TV 232633 … Western  25128 War 20984 Film-Noir 852 ‘ + CHAR(10) GO USE IMDB — — [Insert your code here] — GO PRINT Question 2 M*A*S*H ——- For each season of M*A*S*H, show the total number of episodes and total number of votes. Display results ordered by season. Write your query to match the primaryTitle in title_basics instead of hard-coding a tconst value. Hint: title_episode.parentTconst is the series, title_episode.tconst is the episode. Episodes have ratings in title_ratings, where the number of votes for the episode is also contained. Correct results will look like this: Season Number Number of Episodes Total Votes by Season ————- —————— ——————— 1 24 8470 2 24 6724 3 24 6383 4 24 5859 5 24 5546 6 24 5092 7 25 5362 8 25 5340 9 20 4177 10 21 4049 11 16  5849 ‘ + CHAR(10) GO — — [Insert your code here] — GO PRINT, Question 3 Again Popular Genres ——————– Repeat the query from Question 1, but this time express the popularity as a percentage of the total number of shows. Format the percentage to two decimal places and add a % sign to the end. Hint: Start by adding the Total column to the SELECT clause. You”ll need to use a windowed function. If you use … OVER () that will window over the entire contents of the table. Once you have that working, the percent is 100 * the expression that gives you Count / the expression that gives you Total. Use STR to convert that to 6 characters with two digits after the decimal point, then add a % to the end. Hint 2: Percent is a reserved keyword in SQL, so you”ll need to quote it if you want to use it as a column name. Correct results will have 28 rows and look like this: Genre Count Total Percent ————— ———– ———– ——- Drama 1183422 7297619 16.22% Comedy 1049517 7297619 14.38% Short 670864 7297619 9.19% Documentary 499078 7297619 6.84% Talk-Show 452645 7297619 6.20% Romance 398779 7297619 5.46% Family 339665 7297619 4.65% News 338804 7297619 4.64% Animation 255212 7297619 3.50% Reality-TV 232633 7297619 3.19% … Western 25128 7297619 0.34% War 20984 7297619 0.29% Film-Noir 852 7297619 0.01% ‘ + CHAR(10) GO — — [Insert your code here] — GO PRINT Question 4 Metaphone with the most Variants ——————————– We”re going to switch over to the NAMES database for the next few queries. Produce a report that shows the most popular metaphones for baby names. Include two rows for each metaphone, one for F babies and one for M babies. For each metaphone, show the total number of names that match that metaphone, and the total number of babies that were given those names. Order in descending order by total number of babies, and display the top 10 results. Format Metaphone as 10 characters wide. For practice, do not use the all_data view. Write the correct JOIN instead. Correct results will look like this: Gender Metaphone Total Names Total Babies —— ———- ———– ————————————— M JN 3565 5910583 M JMS 403 4859289 F MR 3499 4835115 M RBRT 410 4755683 M MXL 1520 4641296 M WLM 604 3746134 M TFT 606 3547986 F TN 10004 3276887 F JN 9945 3216270 M RXRT 435 2516670 ‘ + CHAR(10) GO USE NAMES — — [Insert your code here] — GO PRINT Question 5 What about John? —————- For the most popular combination of Metaphone with Gender (JN and M), show a list of the most popular names that match the metaphone. Name Total Babies ———- ————————————— John…

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