Simply follow the directions in each assignment, and complete the assignments in a single document.

Browser Security & Privacy: Complete numbers two through four.

1. Perform each lab step as directed, and answer all the lab QuickCheck questions.2. Identify which browser you usually use and look at its security settings. Does your browser allow you to select an overall security level, such as low, medium, or high? 3. Look at your browser’s security settings and record the current settings for its phishing filter, pop-up blocker, ActiveX controls, JavaScript, and Java. Would you make any changes to these settings? 4. Connect to the Flash Player Settings Manager and count the number of Flash cookies you have. Next, record the security settings for your computer’s camera and microphone.

Working with Cookies: Complete numbers two through four.

1. Perform each lab step as directed, and answer all the lab QuickCheck questions. 2. Use your browser to look at the cookies on your computer. Indicate how many cookies are currently stored. Examine the contents of one cookie, and indicate whether you think it poses a threat to your privacy. 3. Indicate the name and version of the browser you generally use. Next, look at your browser’s cookie settings. Describe how you would adjust these settings to produce a level of privacy protection that is right for your needs. 4. Adjust your browser settings so that you are prompted whenever a Web server attempts to send a cookie to your computer. Go to your favorite Web sites and watch for third-party cookies. When you receive a message from a third-party Web site, record the name of the third-party site and the contents of the cookie it is attempting to send. Finally, indicate whether you would accept such a cookie.

Working with HTML: Complete numbers two through six.

1. Perform each lab step as directed, and answer all the lab QuickCheck questions. 2. Use a text editor such as Notepad to create a Web page that contains your name as the title and at least two paragraphs of text. 3. Use the heading, bold, and horizon- tal rule HTML tags to add interest to your page. 4. Add at least one hyperlink to the page, making sure that you include explanatory link text. 5. Select a graphic to add to your page. Make sure that it is stored in a file that’s not too big to load quickly. Designate alternative text for the graphic for accessibility. 6. Test your Web page locally. Print your HTML document and then make a screen capture of your Web page as it appears in the browser.

You have three lab assignments. You must show your work (such as making screenshots to show your instructor that you completed a certain step). Make sure you identify each lab and each step (e.g., step 2, 3, etc.). You must submit a title page with this lab assignment. Submit all your labs together in one document titled Lab Report.

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